Friday, January 15, 2010

Alien three legged monkey!

My family must really love me. They must to put up with my kooky antics. I have been planning a birthday party for a week or so in my mind. Then a couple days ago I decided "Why not?" I threw a "Not birthday party". How much wierder can I get?

My family loves this idea, cause not only can we take time to remember a friend dear to me, but they get cake and ice cream of course. Don't worry Joel, we will eat enough that you don't have to feel bad for not wanting a single bite ...  :-)  Even Lindsey was excited and sang Happy Birthday to you, Joel. When the camera charges up you can see the rest of the fun.

Around here I have been looking for "excuses" to make cute cakes... but they need to be "genuine" excuses. Not made up ones. Kooky ones, yes. But never made up.

So, to set it out there for those that have not been in on my planning and thought processes on this one.

We are throwing my online friend a birthday party, Joel. I met Joel in an online kids game and he was a monkey. So the party has a monkey theme. Joel lives in Nebraska and will not be at the party, he will not partake in the cake and ice cream, nor will he get to open his gift on his birthday either. I am queen of proscratination after all so it was mailed Thursday at 9pm. He does not even know I am planning this or doing this. The party will be over before I post this. He may not even see this until after his actual birthday. So, you wonder why? Cause I like to make cakes and I like to think of my friends and do wierd crazy things "for" them. I already have requests for more "Not birthday parties" for other friends...sorry guys that was a one time thing to do because the circumstances were right. I also don't see a repeat of the virtual birthday party any where in my future. I like to keep crazy things special.

I will add pics and possibly a video of us singing happy birthday to Joel...ya I am crazy like that. Hopefully this is as fun to read about as it has been to do! Enjoy! the party is over and the fun was, well fun!

We decided to have the party "right" and have dinner too! Sorry Joel we did not spring for Taco Bell. Corey made the dinner though. He cooked steak and mac n cheese. I added corn to the mix to try to be a bit more healthy :-)  Here is "your" plate.

As you can see I got out the "fine" throw away china for you! After all I had to do dishes in the bathtub afterwards. Also I cut your steak Anyway of course this is actually my plate..but was fun playin around.

After dinner I milked the goats while the kids cleared the table. Then when I came in I actually made them clear the table, cause you gotta know my kids are not gona clear the table while I am not hawking over them. I did the dishes in the bathtub (yup no kitchen faucet still). Then we sang Happy Birthday to you, Joel.

OK so here is the "Three legged alien monkey". Corey named the cake after I asked him what he thought of it. Sigh.
Some other "party time fun" pics.  Yes it is Chocolate cake...I knew you would not mind Elaine picking the flavor since you would not eat it anyway ..hehe. Then of course we ate ice cream in your honor, even though you may not have partaked.

Collin was crossing his eyes and I think Elaine was cheesing a bit too

I tried to upload the video of us singing happy birthday and the camera died! no extra battery means waiting. OH well. Not sure I can figure out how to get it on here anyway. anyone else know?

Thank you for being a Philippians 4:14 friend! Sharing in my joys and sorrows. You help make all of our lives more enjoyable in your own little way. I hope you realize how many people you have touched just by lending an ear to me. Add in some advice that is sometimes hard to swallow, but always from the heart and you have my monkey. Hope your birthday was as much fun for YOU as it was for US!

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