OCC Fundraiser 1 st year

While this year's goal has indeed been met, this will be an ongoing project. Would you begin praying about how much you could give towards the next 3,000 bars of soap? 

OLD goal picture graph...


Operation Christmas Child spreads the Gospel of Christ to children and their families to places that might not otherwise hear the Gospel.  They send shoe box gifts to these children, present the Gospel to them clearly and also include a booklet in their native language about the Gospel. 

Operation Christmas Child has been on my heart for some time. We donate toys and pack shoe boxes at our church every year. Our church is a drop off center that collects boxes during the annual collection week in November. Our church also has a Packing Party Ministry where we packed over 8,000 boxes this year! God is so good!

I would like to make 1 oz bars of soap to donate to our Operation Christmas Child packing party ministry. The packing party takes place the beginning of November, because soap takes 4 full weeks to cure and I only have so much space in which to cure the soap, I need to start making the soap as soon as possible.  To do this I am asking for your help. I've set up this donation page to allow for you to give to the cause.

My goal is to make 3,000 1oz bars of soap for children to be given out in Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. It would be amazing to be able to make twice that!

I will need to buy the following consumable supplies to make this dream a reality.

Oils $270  $0!!! Thanks to donations of beef fat from a local supermarket and help of some wonderful ladies to render it into tallow we no longer need to purchase oils. There is a small chance that some oil will need to be purchased if this situation "falls through". I'm acting in Faith that what God has provided in this He will continue to provide!
Lye $32
Packaging $30
Shipping charges for donation incentives $30-50 $20 I over estimated this amount $20 seems a more reasonable estimate.

The following reusable supplies will make the process of making 3,000 bars of soap MUCH easier! Soap takes 4 weeks to fully cure/dry out. These items will allow me to make more soap at one time. With the wire soap cutter listed here I could cut 24 1 oz bars in under a minute, compared to about 5 minutes to cut 24 bars how I currently cut soap! It will also produce bars of soap that are uniform in size.

Molds $30 (I will make these myself each mold costs me $3 in wood) NEED MET! God is good!
This Wire Cutter $178 $138.25 (This will make the process of cutting the soap faster and efficient. This would be a one time purchase and be used for years and years to come.)I was given 25% discount on this item by the maker/seller! Amazing!
Soap Log Splitter $60 (Again a one time purchase to help speed up manufacturing of the soap.) NEED MET! God is good!

These costs are for 3,000 bars. Double the amounts of consumables and I could make 6,000 bars, but wouldn't need any more reusable supplies!

Total cost for this first year to make 3,000 bars of soap - $650 New goal after God met needs in ways I never imagined $560. NEW NEW goal after God met NEW needs is $220!  Future years for 3,000 bars of soap is $332, unless the beef fat rendering is able to continue, then it will be $62!

What can YOU do to help?


Pray for God's blessing on this endeavor. Pray for funds to come in to make this happen. I know if this dream/idea is truly from Him, He will make it happen.

You can donate using the pay button below.

You can donate any amount. Every donation counts. If donating in the following denominations I will send you (hand you if your local) the following free items-
(in stock soap only)

$20 -  Glistening Donor-  1 Lip balm
$30 -  Sudsy Helper -  1 bar of our Goats Milk Soap
$40 -  Glistening Sudsy Friend - 1 lip balm AND 1 bar of soap
$50 -  Super Sudsy Helper-  2 bars of our Goats Milk soap
$75 -  Glistening Sudsy Donor -1 Lip balm, 2 bars of soap, and 6 oz Goats Milk Lotion
$100 - Marvelously Sudsy Helper - 1 Lip balm, 3 bars of soap, and 10 loads of our Laundry detergent.  

You can use the paypal donate button below or send your check or money order directly to me at the farm. Please make checks or money orders out to Heather Brauer.

Gottes Belle Farm
c/o Heather Brauer
7402 Westlake Rd
Bellevue, MI 4921

Thank you!

*Note when I get enough money to pay for the oils, lye, and packaging ($332), this project will be started. God is good!

Project has begun!!!!